Saturday, December 15, 2012

Vampire Glow-Removal Mod Updated - Now With Flavors!

Thanks to Mura and Valpre, I updated the Dead People Don't Glow with two new flavors. You can now remove the vampire glow from eyes and skin separately.

Download in Dead People Don't Glow post.

I'm pretty glad now. My favorite combination is regular eyes with glowy skin.

Sim by Shock&Shame (a little modified) --- Earrings by Lemon Leaf --- 3D eye lashes by S-Club Privee

Hair by Elexis/Peggy --- Eyeball sliders by AWT

If you want to play with the different overlay options by yourself, it is easily doable with NRaas Debug Enabled:
  1. Download NRaas DebugEnabler
  2. In game, click on the sim and select NRaas -> Debug Enabler -> Options:Sim -> Visual Override
  3. Pick the override you want